Alcohol is prohibited in all Wharton campus classrooms and conference rooms. Alcohol may only be served in Wharton-designated reception spaces and the Colloquium Level of Jon M. Huntsman Hall. Please be sure to indicate your intention to serve alcohol on your space request form. Prior to your event, an Alcohol Usage Agreement must be reviewed and signed with Wharton Operations staff. Please familiarize yourself with the University of Pennsylvania policies regarding serving alcohol on campus. Note that additional charges for security will be incurred by all events serving alcohol. The amount of security required is at the discretion of Wharton Operations.
Balloons & Crafts
Helium balloons are prohibited from all Wharton Complex buildings. The use of paint, liquid glue, glitter, and/or confetti is also prohibited. Glue sticks, tape, and/or peel-n-stick products that do not leave damage are permitted. Markers are also permitted as long as they do not bleed into the tabletops. Please ask Wharton Operations about questionable craft materials before using. All materials/scraps must be cleared by the end of your reservation.
This service is for Wharton departments and Wharton recognized student clubs. Approval for student clubs to hang a banner must be received from your respective Wharton Student Life Office prior to contacting the Wharton Operations Customer Support Center to request a banner be hung. Please forward an email showing the approval to when making your request. Priority is given to University-wide and School-wide event banners.
Riding and parking bicycles inside Wharton campus buildings is prohibited. Bicycles may be parked in the bike racks located outside of Wharton School buildings. Please view the bicycle safety information on the Division of Public Safety website and register your bike at the UPenn CampusExpress Property Registration website.
Food & Beverage
Only Wharton-approved caterers may cater an event/meeting within the Wharton campus. Please refer to the food and beverage page for information and policies regarding use of sterno, alcohol and catering for Wharton buildings.
Food in classrooms should be limited to light items such as sandwiches, pizza, etc. Food and beverage are NOT permitted at all within the Dhirubhai Ambani Auditorium/JMHH G06.
Please remember that event hosts are responsible for disposing of all trash in the proper trash/recycle receptacles prior to vacating the room at the end of your reservation. Large items, such as pizza boxes, should be placed next to the room’s trash receptacle. Ice should also be left next to the trash can in a disposable container for removal by housekeeping. Any items left will be discarded and the sponsoring department will be charged for the disposal service. Reception areas, such as the JMHH Patty & Jay H. Baker Forum, JMHH 2nd Floor Lounge and VH Hoover Lounge, will be charged for housekeeping if food is served.
For more information on planning an event with food and beverage please visit our Special Event Reservation Process page.
Easels/Flip Charts
Wharton Operations does not have an inventory of easels or flip charts, therefore event hosts are directed to rent these items from an approved Wharton vendor. Stand-alone table top flip charts can also be purchased from Office Depot or another Penn approved vendor.
Furniture & Rentals
Tables, chairs and all other items within a reserved space may NOT be moved outside the room or to another location. Wharton Operations cannot provide additional furniture to any location. If tables and chairs are rented by an approved Wharton vendor, inform Wharton Operations by replying to this email, or visit our website for furniture rental options.
Guest Speaker Approval
Please note that each guest speaker for a Wharton event, whether on campus or off-site, must be approved by Wharton Marketing & Communications (and in certain cases by the university) before any invitation is extended by your organization.
The aforementioned policy does not apply to speakers invited by Wharton faculty to participate in classes or other course-related activities, nor does it apply to departmental or any academic-related invitations for seminars, colloquia, workshops, or other academic events.
Please submit a guest speaker request form at Review/approval may take at least 72 business-hours. Questions should be directed to your appropriate Student Life Office.
Tables, chairs, easels and other furniture are not permitted to be set-up outside of the reserved space or in any hallway. All registration and event tables must remain within the reserved space. All directional signage must use a single-base sign holder. Nothing may be glued, taped or affixed in any way to building walls, room number signs, doors, floors or ceilings.
Internet Access (Guests)
Guests to the University may access internet connection through the AirPennNet-Guest network. In an open browser, guests must review and accept the Acceptable Use Policy term and conditions, and enter a valid e-mail address before submitting the connection request.
Keying, re-keying, and lock services are available via the Customer Support Center. Departments are responsible in managing any keys that are issued. Any Wharton-issued key that is lost or missing must be reported immediately to Wharton Security at 215-898-2300. Keys may not be issued to temporary staff, undergraduate students, and/or MBA students.
Loading docks can be found at Jon M. Huntsman Hall, Steinberg Hall-Dietrich Hall and Dinan Hall. Please visit our Deliveries page for more information.
Lost & Found
The Wharton Security Desk, located in the Locust Walk Lobby of Jon M. Huntsman Hall, manages the School’s lost and found. Any found articles should be turned into the security desk. Please contact Wharton Security at 215-898-2300 for questions.
Noise levels within a classroom should be kept at a respectful level as not to disturb other building activities. Use of instruments, singing, music from a portable audio device, dance, or movement involving props is prohibited.
Non-Penn Guests
Guests/visitors who are unaffiliated with the University of Pennsylvania and do not carry a valid Penn Card showing affiliation status as Faculty, Staff or Student, must be included in the event’s visitor/guest list. This list and any changes to the list must be submitted by affiliated University persons with a valid Penn Card, 3 business days prior to the event date. Visitor/Guest lists submitted by non-Penn affiliated persons or groups will not be accepted. Any non-Penn guest whose name does not appear on the list will NOT be permitted to enter the building.
- Regular business hours: A visitor/guest list is required if you will have more than 25 non-Penn guests during regular business hours (before 7:00pm Monday-Friday). Please follow the format listed below.
- After business hours- Less than 50 Non-Penn guests: A visitor/guest list is required for all events with non-Penn affiliated visitors/guests who will be attending an event occurring after regular business hours (7:00AM to 7:00PM Monday-Friday or anytime on weekends and holidays). Please follow the format listed below.
- After business hours with- More than 50 Non-Penn guests: University of Pennsylvania policy dictates that additional security is required for all events with 50 or more non-Penn affiliated guests after hours, post 7:00pm, and on weekends/holidays. Please follow the format listed below. The sponsoring department will be charged for the additional security. Arrangements for security are handled by the Special Events Manager of Wharton Operations.
* All non-Penn guests must exit all Wharton buildings by 10:00pm due to University of Pennsylvania Division of Public Safety policies.
Visitor/Guest list format:
- Memo format on University letterhead
- Name of event
- Date and time of event
- Event location: building room number(s)
- Name and mobile phone number of event contact person who is responsible for your visitors/guests and will be onsite during the event
- List of non-Penn affiliated visitors/guests in alphabetical order by last name
Pre-Set Academic Time Slots
Please be informed that academic classes and meetings are pre-scheduled in rigid, recurring time slots Monday through Thursday, from 9:00AM to 6:00PM. All events reserved within this time-frame must adhere to the given time slots: 8:30am-10:00am/10:15am-11:45am/12pm-1:30pm/1:45pm-3:15pm/3:30pm-5:00pm/5:15pm-6:45pm.
Rollerblading / Rollerskating / Skateboarding
Rollerblading, rollerskating, and skateboarding are not permitted inside Wharton campus buildings.
Reserving Space Outside of the Wharton Complex
All University space that is not within the Wharton complex may be reserved via Perelman Quadrangle.
Reservation Changes & Cancellations
Wharton Operations must be informed of reservation changes or cancellations at least 24 business hours prior to the requested event date by replying to this e-mail, or calling Wharton Operations at 215- 898-2575. In the event of an unreported early dismissal, please notify security at 215-898-2300 once the space has been vacated.
School Closing Information
Please register for UPennAlert notifications to receive University announcements via text message, voicemail and/or email. For weather related University updates, please reach the University of Pennsylvania MELT LINE by dialing 215-898-MELT (6358). Information on University closures is also posted on the University of Pennsylvania website.
Signage (Directional)
It is prohibited to tape, glue or affix any signs, posters or advertisements to any surface in the Wharton campus. All classrooms within Jon M. Huntsman hall provide signage holders located underneath the room sign for each door. In order to avoid jams, please insert your sign upward, and slide out sideways to remove. Directional signage can be placed within buildings with the approval of Wharton Operations. Each approved sign must have a single base. Tripod-based signs or easels cannot be used in any Wharton hallways. Wharton Operations may have some directional sign holders that can be reserved for use with your special event.
Smoking is prohibited within 20-feet of the entrance to any building per the City of Philadelphia, ordinance #050063-A.
Suspension of Normal Operations
In the case that the University suspends normal operations, all Wharton buildings, including the Academic Research Building, Colonial Penn Center, Dinan Hall, Lauder Institute, Jon M. Huntsman Hall, Steinberg Hall – Dietrich Hall will be closed. Essential personnel will be required to report to campus but all classes, events and all other activities scheduled in Wharton campus buildings will be cancelled. Scheduling make-up classes will take priority, any cancelled events or meetings will need to submit a new request.
Technology Needs
A Pennkey with Wharton affiliated credentials is required to access any installed classroom technology. Independent access to technology by non-Wharton users requires a Wharton guest login and training.
For any technology needs outside of standard classroom technology (i.e. classroom podium/PC/projection) please submit a public technology tech request at least 72-business hours prior to your event by visiting the Wharton Room Request Form website. For last-minute (< 72 business hours), please call Public Technology at 215-898-4898. Please note that additional technology may come with a charge. Please visit the Wharton Public Technology website for more information.
Violations & Damage Responsibilities
In the event of damages to the reserved space, including but not limited to, the walls, ceilings, floors, furniture, and technology, the sponsoring department will be held responsible for repairs, replacement, and/or disposal of damaged items.
Any violation of the Wharton reservation policies listed above may result in future loss of permission to reserve space within the Wharton complex by the sponsoring department/organization. Details of violation consequences are at the discretion of Wharton Operations.
VIP Guests
Wharton Operations must be informed of any expected VIP guests, 2 weeks prior to the event date. The speaker request form found here, must also be submitted for approval. The sponsoring department will be charged for any additional VIP guest security. Some examples of VIP guests that require additional security are: celebrities, CEO of a company, foreign dignitaries, and political figures.