Mail Services

Operations manages mail and courier service for all Wharton complex buildings. The Wharton Mailroom is located in Jon M. Huntsman Hall, F10.


Jon M. Huntsman Hall, F10
3730 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Holiday hours are sent in a memo to all Department Points of Contact.

Penn Mail Service Schedule

(U. S. and Intramural Mail Pick-up and Delivery):
Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m.

Call the Wharton Customer Support Center (215-898-2575) for Bulk Mail pick-up.

Mail Courier Service

Mail Courier service provides delivery service to pre-designated locations (see below).
Monday – Friday 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Mail Materials include items that weigh less than 50 lbs.

Pre-Designated Courier Delivery Locations

Pick-up Locations

  • JMHH F10 Mailbox Courier Drop Slot
  • Steinberg Hall-Dietrich Hall (SHDH) – Suites 1000, 1100 (reception area)
  • SHDH Suite 102 (mailroom courier bin)
  • Vance Hall – Ground Floor Mailbox Courier Slot

Delivery Locations

  • Franklin Building
  • Student Financial Services, Registrars Office Wharton (Student Records Cabinet)
  • 3401 Walnut St. (Purchasing, Human Resource, UMIS etc.)
  • Delivery to All Wharton Complex Departments