In partnership with the University of Pennsylvania Division of Public Safety, Allied Barton Security Services provide trained Public Safety Officers 24/7 at the Wharton campus which includes Colonial Penn Center, Dinan Hall, Lauder Institute, Jon M. Huntsman Hall, and Steinberg Hall-Dietrich Hall. The physical security presence is complemented by state-of-the-art electronic access control and strategically-positioned CCTV cameras monitored by Wharton security and the Division of Public Safety located at 4040 Chestnut Street. Wharton Security also provides in-house lost and found services for the Wharton community.
Lost and Found is centrally located at the Jon M. Huntsman Hall Locust Walk security desk. In addition, Wharton Security is complemented by Public Safety’s Walking escort service which is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, between 43rd & 30th Streets and Market Street to Baltimore Avenue. Escorts are also available from 10:00am until 3:00am between 50th & 30th Streets and Spring Garden Street to Woodland Avenue via the University’s partnership with the University City District Ambassador Program. Safety and security are a shared responsibility and the members of Wharton security work diligently through open dialogue, transparency and collaboration, to deliver the highest quality of service and protection for every member of the Penn community.
Campus Express Property Registration
Registering property is easy. Students can register their bicycle, electronic equipment and other valuable property, online with the University of Pennsylvania Police Department. They can also purchase a Bicycle U-Lock through their SFS account. Visit to register property today.
Remember; don’t leave your property unattended!
Wharton Security
511 (from any campus phone)
Escort Services
215-898-WALK (9255)
215-898-RIDE (7433)