Special Event Reservation Process

The Wharton School offers rental of event spaces within our buildings for academic conferences, banquets, receptions, and other special events. Space is available for only Wharton and University of Pennsylvania affiliates, organizations who are not affiliated with the University should visit the Perelman Quadrangle and University Hospitality Services websites for more information on the spaces they manage.


  • Organizations outside of the University of Pennsylvania are not permitted to reserve space within Wharton.
  • Student organizations are prohibited from reserving Colloquium Level (8th floor) unless the respective Division of Student Life has agreed to sponsor your event or conference.
  • Student organizations are prohibited from reserving the Ambani Auditorium (G06) for club meetings and may only reserve the space as part of a Division of Student Life approved and sponsored special event or conference.
  • Non-Penn affiliated guests are subject to all University rules and policies. The sponsoring student club or department is responsible for the behavior of their guests.
  • Group Study Rooms cannot be reserved for conferences or special events as they are for Wharton student group study and project work only.

Priority Scheduling

  • Academic scheduling is given priority for all classroom space within the Wharton campus and must be completed for each semester before special events can be confirmed in any classroom space.
    • Fall term academic scheduling is completed by the end of March.
    • Spring term academic scheduling is completed by the end of October.
    • Summer term academic scheduling is completed by the end of January.
  • Special events cannot be scheduled in classrooms during  reading days or the final examination period due to academic use of the rooms.
  • Annual University-wide and School-wide events will receive priority scheduling and include, but are not limited to: New Student Orientation, Family Weekend, Homecoming, Alumni Weekend, and Graduation.


Special Event Reservation Process

Step 1: Request Space

Wharton and University of Pennsylvania Faculty and staff must submit a request via Spaces a minimum of 21-business days prior to your event date; a budget code is required for all requests.

All recognized clubs must submit a request via Spaces a minimum of 21-business days prior to the event date; appropriate funding is required for all special event requests.

Spaces requiring a minimum of 21-business days for requests are: JMHH Colloquium Level (8th floor), JMHH 2nd Floor Lounge, JMHH Koo Plaza, JMHH Forum, Hoover Lounge and any other non-classroom space. 

Step 2: Guest Speakers

If you are planning an event where a guest speaker will be invited to speak at your event (regardless of event venue) a speaker request form must be completed and approved in advance.  All guest speakers must be approved by the Office of the Dean and in some cases by the University before an invitation can be extended.

Step 3: Space Confirmation

Your space request is not finalized until you receive a confirmation email with a Request ID number and a room assignment from Wharton Operations. Wharton reserves the right to make any changes in the assignment of spaces to best accommodate all activities held within the School. Acceptance and or rejection of any request is at the discretion of Wharton Operations.

Step 4: Alcohol Approval

If you are hosting an event where alcohol will be served it must be indicated on your request form. The event host (who must be 21 years of age) is required to read and sign the Wharton Campus Alcohol Usage Agreement at least two weeks prior to the date of your event. All events serving alcohol will incur additional costs for security. Please note that alcohol cannot be served in any Wharton classroom or conference room.

Step 5: Food, Beverage and Rental Items

If you are hosting an event where you plan to serve food and beverages it must be indicated on your request form. All events scheduled in the Wharton campus are required to use a Wharton approved caterer.  The list of approved caterers can be found here. If you plan to rent furniture, linens or additional service ware for your event, a list of Wharton approved rental vendors can be found here.

Step 6: Event Coordination Details

After you have received a confirmation email with Request ID number and a room assignment from Wharton Operations it will be time to schedule a meeting with Wharton Operations staff to review the details of your event. Student clubs should designate one member to be the event host who will communicate all necessary details to Wharton Operations staff. At least one walk through including the event host, any vendors (such as a caterer, entertainer, etc.), and a representative from Wharton Operations must be scheduled within 30 days of your event to review details.